Hello! My name is Chandra Simmons, and I founded The Spirit Shuffle and The LightStyle Network. As a mother of three and an entrepreneur, I deeply understand and value redefining your daily devotional. Life’s demands are many, but finding the Light within and aligning with your spiritual path is essential for nurturing yourself and those you love.

I launched The LightStyle Network in 2018 with the mission to illuminate the Light that exists within all of us. What began as a platform for connecting and conveying both corporate and personal brands quickly evolved into something more profound. Through events like "I Am a 'www'," "Grit, Grace & Gratitude," and LSN’s Night at Nordstrom, I saw the powerful impact of community and shared experiences. By 2020, The LightStyle Network had transformed into a premiere Brand & Media Consulting firm, producing meaningful projects such as Color Us Women, VONtalks, and 40 Game Changers. Yet, amid these achievements, I felt a deeper calling—a divine assignment to guide women in discovering their inner Light through spiritual practices and self-care. That calling led to the creation of The Spirit Shuffle.

My graduate studies in Health Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, fueled my passion for understanding how trauma impacts our ability to communicate positively with ourselves and maintain healthy relationships with others. My life’s work is a blend of this academic foundation and my personal journey—a journey marked by overcoming family trauma and generational cycles of pain. Watching my own mother raise thriving children as a single parent while relying on her faith cemented in me the importance of putting God first. This faith and resilience have shaped who I am today, both as a woman and a mother.

The Spirit Shuffle is the culmination of my healing journey and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I created it to share the powerful intersection of religion and spiritual practices like meditation, which have helped me move past depression, self-doubt, and a lack of self-worth. Through “internal & external self-care,” I’ve found peace, focus, and purpose, and I’m committed to helping others do the same.

The Spirit Shuffle is not just a product; it’s a movement—a collection of Spiritual Pathways and Spiritual Journeys designed to guide you in connecting with your higher self and God. Whether you’re seeking healing, gratitude, wisdom, or alignment, The Spirit Shuffle offers a personalized spiritual experience that fits into your daily routine. Each Spiritual Pathway, whether through prayer, affirmations, mantras, yoga poses, or writing prompts, invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

My divine assignment is to help women heal, knowing that when we heal ourselves, we have the power to heal others, transforming the world we live in. I’m honored to share The Spirit Shuffle with you and hope it brings Light, peace, and balance to your life.

Light is defined as: “the source of goodness and the love within us instilled by God; it is knowledge and purpose; it is intelligence and a sense of self.”

are you ready to feel abundance, gain confidence and inner peace?

Take a deep breath and connect with the divinity within. Quiet your thoughts and set your intentions for a more centered lifestyle. Release your anxieties, doubts, and fears. Get ready to transform your life through a thoughtful devotional routine, The Spirit Shuffle